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We recently received a marvelous new zombie survival guide from the award-winning book publisher Head of Zeus, currently based in Clerkenwell, London. It’s always fascinating to see how the zombie zeitgeist has infected the globe; inspiring preppers around the world to share their tips and tricks for surviving the inevitable apocalypse. However, there are actually very few weapon manuals or survival guides that are helpful or even practical in times of peace.

Thankfully, authors Isabel Lloyd and Phil Clarke have found a brilliant balance between the dark doom and gloom of a post-apocalyptic world, and the optimistic outlook of a would-be gardener planting their very first seeds. In their book Gardening for the Zombie Apocalypse, they explain how to grow your own food when civilization collapses – or even if it doesn’t!

A grow-your-own guide for the generation who’d rather eat compost than watch Gardeners’ World, it tells you how to sow and grow 20 key crops, whether you have two pots, a patio or a whole allotment to play with. It takes you through what seeds, tools and other kit you’ll need, teaches you how to plan and plant your site for maximum nutrition, and suggests gardening projects to get underway while civilization still stands, from growing dinner in a dustbin to a juice bar on a balcony – all while sticking a garden fork in the eye of the undead.

Equal parts irreverent, cheeky, and vitally important; Gardening for the Zombie Apocalypse is an entertaining read; even for those of you who would rather rob a grocery store than plant a vegetable during the inevitable zombie apocalypse. The illustrations by Christian Wood make the book fun, easy to read, and may just draw your eye to a bit of life-saving information that you would otherwise miss. The brief section titled “Survivors ‘R’ Us” is especially amusing!

Even the UK-centric promotional materials are charming, referring to vegetables simply as “veg” or explaining that “you’re probably stuck in a flat above Chicken Cottage, have never watched Gardener’s World and would rather eat compost than meet Monty Don.” Where in the world is Chicken Cottage? What’s Gardener’s World? And who the heck is Monty Don?

We’re huge fans of Downton Abbey, but c’mon; asking American readers to think in terms of “metres” is akin to a declaration of war. We’d probably die of starvation rather than submit to your Imperial system! But that’s simply a risk that readers must take in order to learn the life-saving tips printed in this particular publication. So trust us; it’s definitely worth the effort!

Usually we rate survival books on whether or not they deserve a space in your bug out bag; from foraging guides to field manuals. But Gardening for the Zombie Apocalypse is much too valuable to tuck away until the zombies come! It’s a gardening manual that you can put to use immediately, regardless of your situation. In fact, we’re going to give away two (2) copies right now, to help our fellow Zombie Research Society members, fans, and followers prepare for the inevitable zombie apocalypse – courtesy of the official book publisher Head of Zeus.

To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment below to let us know that you’re interested. You can also swing by our official Facebook or Twitter accounts for more information. Don’t post any of your personal information, but make sure that we can contact you directly if you win! And even if you don’t win the giveaway; we recommend that you check out their official website, Facebook, or Twitter accounts to learn all sorts of great tips and tricks for surviving the inevitable zombie apocalypse. After all, we always say what you don’t know can eat you!

This giveaway is now closed.


  1. Infographic of the week

    From “Nature Briefing”

    Chemotherapy-treated cancer cells that enter an undead state called senescence don’t divide any more, but somehow they persist. Research in mice reveals that these zombie cells live on by eating their neighbours alive. The cellular victim is engulfed, enveloped in membrane from an organelle called the lysosome and digested. ()

  2. We’re on the imperial system here in Canada, and I’d love a copy of the book!

  3. Honestly gardening and literature are the true way to surviving the zombie apocalypse. Because without either it would be extremely difficult to outwit and outlast the undead, and the human race needs to do such.

  4. Printed resources like this are immesurable (in meters anyway!)

  5. I would love a copy! I’m plant mad and I love zombies and horror!

  6. Would love to win this!

  7. I want to win!!!

  8. Would love to add this to the post apoc library!

  9. sweet would love a copy and some of those amazing stickers too.

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