Once again, the Zombie Research Society is happy to celebrate Zombie Awareness Month! Our annual campaign is meant to raise awareness of the living dead, and help prepare you for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. While the last year has certainly been challenging, it’s also focused our efforts on the importance of education regarding issues like epidemiology and statistical analysis. In fact, much our research may be even more vital and relevant than ever!

This is the perfect time to celebrate your favorite zombie films, books, and video games. But it’s also an opportunity to educate yourself. We encourage you to have fun while researching the science of the living dead. Our organization is actually dedicated to education; which is why our official Advisory Board of academics and scholars originally founded this event.

The Zombie Research Society established the month of May as Zombie Awareness Month in 2007. During this time many of our members, fans, and followers observe the occasion by hosting charitable events, attending conventions and meetings, or by simply wearing a grey ribbon to help spread awareness. Our campaign has since been adopted by a number of official organizations over the years including several state governments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s truly a time for celebration, reflection, and education!

Zombie Awareness Month is a campaign to bring awareness about zombies and the possibility of a future zombie apocalypse. The month of May was chosen because a number of notable zombie films are set in May … In addition, the sense of hope, renewal and optimism that the spring season brings gives a contrast to the darkness of a zombie apocalypse. Supporters of the movement wear gray ribbons to spread awareness. The gray ribbon signifies the shadows that lurk behind the light of day.

In recent years, Zombie Awareness Month has become internationally recognized and the campaign is celebrated online by many major publications. It has even spawned the popular hashtag #ZombieAwarenessMonth on social media including both Facebook and Twitter.

However, the Zombie Research Society itself remains dedicated to the historic, cultural, and scientific study of the living dead. On our official website you will find a wealth of information provided by experts, authors, and academics discussing the possible causes, preparation, and prevention of the coming zombie apocalypse; and we encourage you to join the conversation!

We especially want to thank all of our members for supporting us during this period. Without your financial backing we would be unable to fund our website, our Advisory Board, many of our publications, our social media, and perhaps most importantly… our zombie research!

Join us online at Facebook or Twitter, and simply use the hashtag #ZombieAwarenessMonth to share some of your personal stories and tips for surviving the zombie apocalypse. Or just check out our official Advisory Board to learn even more about the Zombie Research Society and our organization. This is your chance to support the campaign, help raise awareness, and maybe even save the life of someone you love… After all, what you don’t know can eat you!


  1. Are the zombies actually real!?

  2. kenyatta Robinson

    Do u guys think they are burning zombies not bodies on India?

  3. CPT David Fisher

    Who may know what virus may follow Cv19 or develop from it. So we all need to Prepare

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