In what may prove to be one of the most intellectually stimulating studies of the zombie apocalypse, Kelly Murphy of Central Michigan University is offering her students a brand new course that explores the undead through philosophy and religion. As part of the spring semester, From The Revelation to The Walking Dead: Apocalypse Then and Now will analyze and explore apocalyptic themes by studying a number of ancient biblical texts and works of popular culture including modern films and novels.
Like many recent college courses, the class obviously seeks to engage students by injecting an exciting new zombie element to what may otherwise be boring old course material. However, this might be one of the very first university classes to view the subject of zombies through the lens of philosophy and theology!
Zombie movies, television and literature – everybody is talking about the Zombie Apocalypse. Yet vision of the end of the world aren’t new. “From The Revelation to The Walking Dead: Apocalypse Then and Now” will explore ancient and contemporary visions of the end times and what these visions might tell us about the cultures that produce them, from early Jewish and Christian apocalyptic texts to the more recent focus on brain eating zombies.
In an official press release, the course claims to cover many of the theories behind what zombies may represent, such as communism, terrorism, consumerism or environmental disaster, by using a wide variety of sources including various books of the Bible including Daniel, Enoch and Revelation. Not to mention a host of modern novels like World War Z and clips from the popular zombie films Shaun of the Dead
and 28 Days Later
For even more information on Kelly Murphy’s new class be sure to check out the official CMU Media Channel press release, or visit the Central Michigan University website for additional details including required course reading, materials and availability.