FLIR is the acronym commonly used for forward looking infrared cameras typically used on military aircraft. The thermal sensors usually detect infrared radiation emitted by a heat source. And they can be used to help pilots better operate in the dark, or to detect warm objects at night… such as the human body. Which leads us to this unusual video found online via the website, which appears to show a person fleeing from a horde of zombies who eventually catch up to their unfortunate victim before devouring him.
Originally uploaded nearly three years ago, there’s very little to indicate just where this video came from or exactly what its purpose was. The only clue provided is a watermark pointing to WWW.ZONESECURITY.RU which appears to be a Russian tech firm.
Unfortunately a quick translation didn’t provide much information, and it certainly didn’t explain the reason a Russian computer company would produce such a video. Although after doing a bit of internet research, I fully expect that the Zombie Research Society is now listed on an NSA watch-list somewhere!
We’d usually never publish such an old video with so little information, but thought that our readers may enjoy it… or perhaps even offer their own explanations. So take a look at the video embedded below and let us know what you think!
Those arent zombies, they are DRACOs, reptilian humanoids who live undergound and they do give of body heat. If you look close at the side profile of the running attackers you can see the front of the faces have snout/mouth protruding from the head. They are evil, incredibly strong and like to eat humans and animals. I think this footage is real and has been purposely tampered with to make it look fake. I’ve seen all of Stalker 1 and the graphics look nothing like this footage at all. There is no way you could fake a body getting ripped apart like that, they way the severed arm flails w blood spray in the air and on the ground is dead on accurate. There are bots on every site this video is on spinning it as false, don’t believe em.
I believe that you are absolutely correct in your assessment. Those are not zombies. A zombie is incapable of such feats of strength as shown by the video provided. However, draco reptilians are quite capable of amassing the power needed to accomplish such a feat as this
This is real. Zombies can rip body parts off like that easily.
This video is from a movie or game Ik that for a fact cus the original website even said that’s it’s fake and that’s it’s from a game stalker most likely and if it was real y didn’t the heli help him or do anything or even shoot the zombies after they killed him or send a rescue squad down there and if zombies existed wich they don’t y isn’t it in the news stuff like this happens just not at this extreme lvl it’s called caniblsm
I agree, however zombies would just eat him on the spot. What I mean is (I’m not sure if you saw) the ‘zombies’ carried his remaining body parts off frame.
You made a very valid point and it’s true that zombies have enough strength to rip apart a human, I just though I should address this in case these could be killers or aliens or something of the sort.
It’s a video game called s.t.a.l.k.e.r and is about zombies and Russians
It’s a promo video for the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
I think it is real
Some of them giving direction to the victim : shoot them , on your right , behind, the other direction….
They were suprised all if them
The last person chocked screaming when they take off the head
We can hear the third person voming off (stomake illness)
At tge end the other apprently pilote and camera men telling him : keep the camera on them .
Finaly said: let us get away from here
Its not real because i was one of the many people in on making this video. To the guy that said something about the video cutting out just before the man was eaten, you were right about him being replaced with a dummy. It was a prank video.
Kent Dunn says these are “GMO Soldiers”, a mix of human and tall Grays, 9-12ft tall, being released in Syria as “resistance fighters”
kent dunn’s info is spot on, i love kent dunn
This is from a Ukrainian video game company about mutants near chernobyl
Yeah — this was a spoof article.
Wrong it is from a Chernobyl based game called stalker it’s very old
It’s not from stalker.
Dude no. It IS from stalker
I’m going to say that the fast moving warm bodies are savaages from some tribe that don’t like newcomers
They are obviously not savages, they are wearing jackets and jeans and this video is most likely an ad that someone at the Russian tech firm thought would be a joke. DMONIC is right about that guy most likely being a soldier but I noticed he has some kind of a cape witch is weird.any theories that this is an actual zombie attack are absurd look up scary commercials and you’ll see
One thing I’d like to point out- this seems to be from a military helo- I’ll get to that in a moment- and the person running was firing a rifle in bursts, meaning it was automatic. Civvies are not allowed to have automatic rifles in Russia- they can only have semi auto rifles, and handguns are restricted as well. Now to get to my point on the helo- the person running was most likely military, and the help was military, so it begs the question as to WHY they wouldn’t help a fellow soldier in distress? Now, this is all assuming its real, which I sincerely doubt, but its an interesting video nonetheless!
Well the helicopter could have been a transport helicopter and these arent usually armed
For some people that joke about this. It might also be a red signal or something. Unless their are prove that this is fake or something, I’m go na be concern.
Why would a Russian helicopter display be in English and not in Cyrillic ?
what I think this could be is a possible homicide to u never know there are ways to become a zombie though I found three reasons and viruses to become one but id rather not share that with you immature assholes rite now
This is quite a hard arguement. Zombies do not generate body heat. They are moving corpses. And from personal experience, all corpses are cold. Why would they be picked up by thermal imaging? Also, THIS. IS. SERBIA/RUSSIA. Near the North Pole. And S.T.A.L.K.E.R has had as their website that uploaded videos, photos and blogs from the main character. But, the zombies do follow good PC. Even though they are running, it is mostly correct.
Serbia/Russia? Near the North Pole?!? Dude, really?
this isnt in serbia this is russian launguage…i live in serbia if this is in serbia im ded x_x
I didn’t seen yours so you might be right. Then again we don’t known about the body of a real Zombie. But still you might be right.
The reason this is clearly a hoax is the camera-work. Any video evidence actually provided by anybody ever would be unedited. The camera here cuts to different shots throughout the video. The reason this proves that the video has in fact been edited is because such FLIR cameras typically zoom in or out, they do not snap to different magnifications instantly. It takes time for an optical lens to adjust. Also, the helicopter immediately jumps location between shots. Also note that the camera changes just before the man is eaten, a tell-tale sign that the actor has been replaced by a dummy for the “zombies” to rip apart.
Also, is no longer a promotional website for STALKER, because GSC Game World (the developers) are no longer active, so the domain was sold. Apparently, it was sold to a computer firm.
Honestly might not be zombies but whos to say they werent just canables because just b4 the attacked they were in formation then spread out giving the victim no where to run so that dose deserve some looking into because canabolism is not unheard ofof
its very difficult to rip somebodys limbs off.
Ha! This comment made me laugh.
How were they taking bullets to the head
Zombies were on crack. Must be a farse.
This is a video game preview video…
Yes, the general consensus is that this was some sort of viral ad for a video game called S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
We’re still curious about the watermark for the Russian website though. I assume it also ties into the game’s promotional campaign somehow?
I have all three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games and nothing like that happens in the games, nor do those ads match anything I have seen, as the non of the views look like that, nor do the attacks happen that quickly. Unless they are planning something new, which isn’t likely since they didn’t do great, I’d say this is something else. Maybe someone cobbled it together from existing video of attacks in Iraq or somewhere else.
You’re stupid its not in the games it was a preview of the game I remember seeing this. There were people like you who thought it was real but I mean come on what zombies do what any of those “zombies” did. They dont pick up a part of the body and hold it in the air like a trophey, nor do they run from a body on the floor, they eat whatever they can.
And you know what zombies would really do? They wouldn’t pick up a body part and hold it in the air like a trophy? How do you know this? Because you think they are real?. That’s like saying, “Santa Claus doesn’t walk around humping your furniture when he brings gifts.” How does one really know this when it’s a fairy tale. You probably believe in god, don’t you?
You thought they were real too or you wouldn’t have been on the site
Mike don’t be a meanie! just cuz those zombies didn’t act like your ideal zombie doesn’t mean these weren’t zombies! ‘real’ zombies may indeed run, tear limbs from bodies, triumphantly hold said limb in air and then run to a nearby location in order to munch down away from the others…we certainly didn’t see what they did with the body parts cuz the video ended.
That’s because this is a live action promotional video, not a gameplay video. At all.
u are a moron
It was a live action promotional video. It’s supposed to be a gang of snorks chasing him, I’m pretty sure. It’s not really supposed to match up with anything in-game, otherwise. It was just a promotional video.
Maybe because, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl? Don’t know, haven’t played the games yet. But it is a rather cool video. was their promotional website at the time.
The website went defunct but with the wayback machine you can see that it led to a website displaying some flash thing for STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl