We’re big fans of AMC’s hit show The Walking Dead, and so when our friends at Lucky Gunner Labs did an extensive breakdown of the advantages and drawbacks of Rick Grimes’ fabled .357 Colt Python we jumped at the chance to share it with you.
Below is an infographic for a quick summary of the Colt Python’s background and capabilities, or if you want to read Lucky Gunner’s full analysis click HERE.


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Rick Definitely carries a Python. Look at the season 5 Promo Banner…It is a giant close up of the gun in Ricks hand, his revolver does not have the pin behind the cylinder there for 100% no doubt about it it is a PYTHON!! Great illustration by the way to whoever made this, it looks great.
I have always thought that rick revolver was a.357
Rick does carry a Python. The “.44 in the bag” comment is throwing people off. A true Colt revolver fan can see it is a Python, although Anacondas look close, it is in fact a Python.
I own both revolvers.
It is still a good Ol’ Python.
Colt Employee 1985-Present Day
It was a python in the beginning you can tell the gun is different from the beginning credits of the new season,the cylinder is thicker I owned a python for a few years so I know the gun.
Also in the 1st season Shane tells Rick he has a couple of 357 rounds from the last time they were at the range together .
They changed the gun too the Anaconda why I don’t know!
The Python is the better gun in my opinion.
Its still a Python. 100%
Colt Employee from 1985-Present
It’s a colt anaconda
No its not. Its a Python.
Rick said its a 44 Mag. That’s not a Python it an Anaconda.
Unless he lied about what was in the bag. He said he had a .44 mag in the duffel bag when the terminus dude asked him. He could have lied.
But shane did say here are a couple .357 rounds for you….So that would be a Python.
Greg Nicotero Just answered my tweet! It is a Python case closed. Sorry I started that Anaconda crap. That’s how rumors get started.
From the looks of what Rick uses on the show, it looks like a S&W model 686. The model 686 is a lot more reliable than the Python and overall, a better made gun.
I guess it is a Python. Sure looked like a 686. Well, I’ve been wrong before….
The 686 wasn’t a better made a pistol….The python is known as the ‘Rolls Royce” of .357’s The fit and finish of the python makes it unreliable. It’s NOT a service piece. A python is made with SUPER tight tolerances and is really more of a target pistol than anything. Smiths are good and yeah they are more reliable but only because the tolerances are much looser so they operate while much more dirty than a colt will.
Which is exactly what you want in a zombie apocalypse! Ask the German Wehrmacht how well tight tolerance worked on their tanks, guns and planes after some hard use. Too expensive, breaks down too much, and can’t interchange parts! I’d call the Smith the winner! Unless you’re target shooting in your yard for fun
The bullets shown in this illustration are for a semi-automatic.
I know what you’re saying, based on the end of the rounds, in reality those don’t appear to match any real rounds. The cases aren’t rimmed, those rounds pictured in fact do not exist as drawn.
They actually appear to be illustrated…
First .38 Special and .357 Magnum are not two different calibers, they use the same reloading dies. Its like saying .44 Special and .44 Magnum are two different calibers. A .38 Special +P round has about the same power as a .357 Magnum. I was trained to carry a revolver (wheel gun) as a duty pistol when I first went into law enforcement, who ever set up the characters in the show is an IDIOT! You carry two to four speed loaders plus belt loops for a dozen rounds and a couple of loading strips for an emergency. The actor who uses the Colt really needs to learn how to shoot because he looks like a Dweeb on screen. I know rent-a cops (security guards) who know the basics a whole lot better. A standard load for a wheel gun should be four speed loaders (24 rounds), belt loops (12 rounds) and two loading strips (12 rounds), plus 6 loaded for 54 rounds total. I am disability retired now but my tactical load was six extra magazines, 12 rounds each, .45 ACP, with 12 in the semi-auto gave me 84 rounds. If you are not Combat Handgun trained stick with Double Action Only handguns it will prevent run-on fire. This is when a shooter with a single action semi-auto under the stress of a combat engagement fires off most or all of the magazine without realizing it.
.38 +P is closer to a 9mm than .357 mag really – but I get what you’re saying. I would imagine that if we were going to get down to the fine details of an end of the world situation, he’s probably carrying a bunch of speed strips. I think speed loaders would be too bulky for the ammo he’d need to carry.
Look dude we’re talking about a TV show and a damn good one at that but don’t go hating on the actors bcos they don’t know every little single detail about guns. You sound just like a cop with an attitude, blowing off all ur know how about guns like you got something to prove. Take a Valium dude!!!
Lie. You’re full of shit. Standard duty load for LE officers at the time was 6 loaded, plus 2 speed loaders for 18 rounds. You’re a liar and full of shit.
Not to mention the ability to keep and mantain speed loaders in zombie times would be virtually impossible…
.38 special,.38 special +P, and 357 magnum. CAN be similar, but the well made/ well produced rounds are not “about the same”. While they can all be the same grain range (usually between 125 GR and 158 GR), the power/FPS is the significant difference. .38 special is typically going to be around 800 fps and the .38 special +P adds an extra 150 to 200 fps for a round that has the same weight but travels around 1000 fps. By comparison the good .357 magnum rounds run 1500 to 1700 fps. That is a very significant difference and has a large effect on several things. **fps numbers are averaged muzzle numbers**
All that to say, you are correct in a broad sense overall and correct with projectile size and weight, but speaking from my personal experience these are very different rounds capable of very different things, which is not only why .38 caliber specific revolvers exist…but also why the .357 magnum revolver can be a fantastic option for the right shooter, providing the choice between the seperate rounds. By the way, you are absolutely correct regarding the correct/standard ammuntion set-up.
The ability to fire both .38 and .357 ammo improves likelihood of finding ammunition during the apocalypse. Also it should be noted that though both calibers are common in sporting goods stores, few people actually use them. 9mm and .40 will be scarce, but .38/.357 should be in abundance.