No matter how well stocked and fortified your zombie safe house is, chances are you’ll eventually find a compelling reason to hit the road.  And with gas a dwindling resource in an undead world,  sooner or later your feet will be what carries you.  Along with proper gear and planning, to stay alive it’s vital to remember a couple essential travel tips: move at night and off-road.

Despite what you’ve seen in apocalyptic movies and books, traveling in daylight and sheltering at night is exactly what you don’t want to do in a zombie survival situation.  In the summer, nights provide a cooler climate for physical activity and no risk of suffering ill effects from exposure to the sun.  In the winter, night hiking keeps your blood circulating and core body temperature up.  But most importantly, moving under the cover of night allows you to remain undetected by those who would do you harm.

Furthermore, staying off established transportation arteries can also help to keep you out of sight.  Though slower than mechanized transportation, traveling by foot allows you to adjust more easily to changing terrain, making it an excellent method of stealth movement.  A car on an open highway, or even a noisy motorcycle along a dirt path, is an invitation to every living and undead threat within earshot to seek you out for attack.  Even walking down a paved road puts an unwanted target on your back.

So when you find yourself surrounded by zombies and on the move, remember to stay dark and dirty.  Traveling undetected is the best way to avoid lurking dangers, and safely make it to you destination.


  1. Hey do you guys think that using a bicycle would be a good alternative to using a vehicle????

  2. I have been studying my own terrain and have come to some conclusions about movement. I think that railways will become the new highways for human on foot. They tend to travel close to towns and small cities without taking you right through the middle of them. Even if they do go into town, there is almost always a detour to take you around it if you don’t want to go straight in.

    This means that you can travel from town to town and recon the outskirts without having to go in blind. Since they are slightly more away from the main living areas, there will be less zombies walking along them than a road will.

    I have a son who lives 80+ miles from my home. I have scouted out the railway maps to see if it would be possible to travel there and find him if need be, and it looks feasible.

    The other added bonus of traveling by foot on rails versus trying to drive on roads will be the lack of cars blocking your path. On the road, with a car, you are stuck to staying on the road itself, often with no way to get around a large traffic jam of abandoned cars. If you come across an abandoned train, you can easily step around and continue on your way.

    Good Luck, Stay Smart.

  3. The only two reasons I will argue with this are simple:
    1 – Yes, it is difficult for threats to pinpoint you at night because they can’t see you. However, YOU cannot see in the dark either. In the dark you are at a serious disadvantage in the event of an emergency and/or attack. Imagine trying to run from a Z only to trip over a branch you couldn’t see, or slam into a mailbox that was lost in the shadows. You will still need a light source to find your way in the dark and, even if we assume zombies only hunted by sight, the light would be a beacon to any nearby threats. In the event there is enough moonlight to travel by, there will still be enough to hunt by, as well. Traveling by day will no doubt be risky, but at least then you can see where you are going and can identify possible threats from a distance.
    2 – Traveling off-road is physically demanding. The average American would never be able to cover any viable distance before being overcome with exhaustion. Zombies, on the other hand, don’t get tired, don’t need to stop and rest or eat or go to the bathroom. While you are resting your tired feet, any zombies could still be plodding in your direction undetered by rough terrain. While this is a hazard on any terrain, you can put significantly less distance between you and any threats while traveling on difficult ground than on flat surfaces. When it comes to the walking dead, distance is one of the few viable security measures available. I can advocate the avoidance of roads, as many will most likely be clogged by abandoned vehicles, but only when no other alternatives are available.

    In short, any form of land-based travel is going to be dangerous. Some may even argue that it is a losing gamble, but you will have to take that chance at some point. The key to successful overland travel is to know your own personal limitations and plan accordingly.

  4. I think that is a very good idea. The only drawback that I can see is the inability to use bikes as transportation, due to the fact that it’s hard to see, making it easy to crash. You crash, and it’s over.

    • Yea, I think this can be debated over because of various situations. You may need speed and thus a bike in the day would be better.

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