Just south of Key Biscayne, Florida, a collection of houses built on stilts rest just over the waters of Biscayne National Park. Known as Stiltsville, the community once included upwards of 20 structures until hurricane Andrew destroyed many of them in 1993.

Because of its isolation, natural defenses and easy access to supplies on the mainland, Stiltsville is a unique community that may prove ideal in the coming zombie plague. Check out some of the houses below. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of waiting out the undead menace at Stiltsville?


  1. lake idea is best, with a 20 foot look out…………target practice…..water is easy reverse osmosis…lets get some zombies!

  2. Great Idea, just move it to a lake in the middle of no where. Im sure most anyone on here has thought at one point or another of buying land in butt no where and building the best zombie house. Just build it off shore like a little boat house. The weather isnt to bad out that way and you dont have to worry about too many people the rest of the year, when you are vacationing in ‘zombie off season’. 🙂

  3. Aside from even making it there after an outbreak you’d run the risk of your shelter being destroyed by a hurricane or tropical storm and even if you kept the zombie population out your sitting ducks for the non infected population to take advantage of your supplies. And all the water wouldn’t be drinkable anyways, even if the apocalypse wasn’t brought on by zombies(salt water dehydrates you faster).

  4. Good idea, bad location.

    Would be nicer if it was in a remote forest lake somewhere where water wouldn’t freeze and has some sort of stilted paddock for a small self sustaining garden with chickens. Would be difficult but possible.

    Only issue I could see would be in a lake as mentioned, the main water source could easily become contaminated with zombies attempting to reach you. You would have to have some way of possibly filtering the water, if it’s even possible.

  5. Sounds good on paper but:

    Zombie Apocalypse = no weather or seismic warnings and a hurricane already took out the majority of the structures, what will happen to the rest of them if a 40 foot tsunami rolled in one day?

    Too exposed to the elements, and too close to a major population center IMO.

    I would head for a remote island chain in northern BC personally.

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